The synergistic immunotherapy combinations of HER-2 and PD-1 modalities presented here represent an important opportunity to improve responses and safety outcomes for patients with colon cancer given that HER-2 is also overexpressed in those cancers

The synergistic immunotherapy combinations of HER-2 and PD-1 modalities presented here represent an important opportunity to improve responses and safety outcomes for patients with colon cancer given that HER-2 is also overexpressed in those cancers. (MVF) amino acid 288C302 via a four amino acid residue (GPSL) emulsified in Montanide ISA 720VG that aims to induce the production of polyclonal antibodies TAPI-0 that block PD-1 signaling and thus trigger anticancer effects similar to nivolumab. In preclinical studies, the PD1-Vaxx outperformed the standard anti-mouse CD22 PD-1 antibody (mAb 29F.1A12) in a mouse model of human HER-2 expressing colon carcinoma. Furthermore, the combination of PD1-Vaxx with combo HER-2 peptide vaccine (B-Vaxx) showed enhanced inhibition of tumor growth in colon carcinoma BALB/c model challenged with CT26/HER-2 cells. The PD-1 or combined vaccines were safe with no evidence of toxicity or autoimmunity. (597C626) and the pertuzumab-binding (266C296) were purchased from Peptisynthia (Torrance, CA) and acquired by Solway Group (Zug, Switzerland). The GMP peptides met all the FDA and US Pharmacopoeia requirements for sterility (i.e. bacterial/fungal), endotoxins, and potency. The bulk peptides were supplied to University of IOWA Pharmaceuticals manufacturing facility (Iowa City, Iowa) for sterile vialing in 3 mg lots. Endotoxin levels of these peptides were tested and determined to be within acceptable levels as Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) grade. A combination of two HER-2 B-cell epitope (B-Vaxx) successfully completed a Phase I active immunotherapy clinical trial in 201942 (NCT01376505; IND #14633 2019) and presently undergoing an efficacy trial in HER-2 positive breast and colon cancers. Specificity of PD-1 peptide binding to rhPD-L1 and nivolumab by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) The specificity was determined by SPR spectroscopy (Biacore T200, Columbia, MD) at 25C and binding affinities to immobilized recombinant human PD-L1 (rhPD-L1) purchased from (Acrobiosystems, Inc, Newark, DE) and nivolumab (obtained from the OSU James Pharmacy, Columbus, OH) on CM5 sensor chip (GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden) were determined. rhPD-L1 ectodomain was immobilized onto the gold surface of a CM5 sensor chip by direct amine coupling. To obtain theoretical maximum response upon peptide binding, we calculated immobilization amount of rhPD-L1, nivolumab, and human IgG: isotype control human IgG isotype control (ThermoFisher, Rockford, IL) is 9790 RU, 14286 RU, and 14286 RU, respectively. 20?g/ml of rhPD-L1 at 10?mM NaAc pH 5.5, nivolumab at 10?mM HEPES, pH 7.5 and human IgG at 10?mM HEPES, pH 7.0 was injected over chip after activation with EDC/NHS for 7?min at 10?l/min. The resulting immobilization levels for rhPD-L1, nivolumab and human IgG were 2345 RU, 12264 RU and 11651 RU, respectively. To validate prepared sensor chip, 1?M (17.3?g/ml) rhPD-1 was injected over the chip for 3?min at 10?l/min (data not shown). 1?M BSA was used as the negative control. The chip was regenerated by 10?mM glycine-HCl, pH 2.5 Immunization with MVF hPD-1 peptide epitopes For each peptide, vaccine antibodies were raised TAPI-0 using New Zealand female white rabbits (2 kg/10?weeks) purchased from Charles River Laboratories (Wilmington, MA, USA). Rabbits were immunized with 1 mg of MVF chimeric peptide emulsified in Montanide ISA 720 (SEPPIC Paris, France) and 333?g value less than 0.05 was accepted as statistically significantly different. indicate ?.05, indicate ?.01. Results Four novel peptide epitopes for hPD-1 are identified, demonstrated high immunogenicity/antigenicity and binding specificity characterized by (SPR) B-cell epitopes were ranked based on six correlates of antigenicity44 and correlated with their secondary structure, combined analysis of these epitopes with crystal structures complex of human PD-1/human PD-L1 (hPD-1/hPD-L1).34 From this analysis, four B-cell epitope sequences of human PD-1 were identified for further investigation: amino acid 32C50, 45C64, 73C90, and 92C110 (see Figure 1(a) for peptide sequence). Figure 1(b) shows the secondary structure of the sequences as modeled using PyMOL 3-D modeling software, and Figure 1(c) shows the structure of the PD-1/PD- L1 complex34. Figure 1(d) shows the PD-1 (92C110) TAPI-0 epitope sequence location in the 3-D structure of PD-1. Figure 1. Identification of four B-cell epitope sequences of human PD-1. (a) 32C50, 45C64, 73C90 and 92C110 were chosen for evaluation. (b) as modeled by PyMOL. (c) as adapted by Zak et al.,34 key amino acids involved in the interaction between hPD-1 (light blue ribbon model; navy blue amino acid residues) and hPD-L1 (green ribbon model; light green amino acid residues) are illustrated. Amino acids that constitute the central hydrophobic core of the hPD\1/hPD-L1 interface are indicated in yellow. Strands on both PD-1 and PD-L1 are indicated by red letters; (d) peptide epitope as illustrated by PyMOL. (e): (Biacore T200, at 25C) and binding affinities to immobilized rhPD-L1 and nivolumab on CM5 sensor chips were determined. rhPD-L1 and nivolumab were immobilized onto the gold surface of a CM5 sensor chip by direct amine coupling. Panels a1-a3 represents the different forms of peptide binding to rhPD-L1 and Panels a4-a6 binding to nivolumab Evaluation of immunogenicity of four engineered PD-1 epitopes and anti-tumor activity in syngeneic BALB/c model.For example, the combination of ipilimumab and nivolumab was approved by the FDA because of positive results for patients with unresectable melanoma and promising Phase I and II trials,64 however the combination also showed increased toxicity compared to monotherapy.65 In this respect, small-molecule inhibitors or peptidomimetics targeting multiple pathways may offer unique advantages such as improved oral bioavailability, prevent immune evasion, and most importantly reduce adverse events.36 This highlights the need to identify new target molecules that could be exploited in the next generation of immunotherapy. In preclinical studies, the PD1-Vaxx outperformed the standard anti-mouse PD-1 antibody (mAb 29F.1A12) in a mouse model of human HER-2 expressing colon carcinoma. Furthermore, the combination of PD1-Vaxx with combo HER-2 peptide vaccine (B-Vaxx) showed enhanced inhibition of tumor growth in colon carcinoma BALB/c model challenged with CT26/HER-2 cells. The PD-1 or combined vaccines were safe with no evidence of toxicity or autoimmunity. (597C626) and the pertuzumab-binding (266C296) were purchased from Peptisynthia (Torrance, CA) and acquired by Solway Group (Zug, Switzerland). The GMP peptides met all the FDA and US Pharmacopoeia requirements for sterility (i.e. bacterial/fungal), endotoxins, and potency. The bulk peptides were supplied to University or college of IOWA Pharmaceuticals manufacturing facility (Iowa TAPI-0 City, Iowa) for sterile vialing in 3 mg plenty. Endotoxin levels of these peptides were tested and identified to be within acceptable levels as Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) grade. A combination of two HER-2 B-cell epitope (B-Vaxx) successfully completed a Phase I active immunotherapy medical trial in 201942 (NCT01376505; IND #14633 2019) and presently undergoing an effectiveness trial in HER-2 positive breast and colon cancers. Specificity of PD-1 peptide binding to rhPD-L1 and nivolumab by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) The specificity was determined by SPR spectroscopy (Biacore T200, Columbia, MD) at 25C and binding affinities to immobilized recombinant human being PD-L1 (rhPD-L1) purchased from (Acrobiosystems, Inc, Newark, DE) and nivolumab (from the OSU Wayne Pharmacy, Columbus, OH) on CM5 sensor chip (GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden) TAPI-0 were identified. rhPD-L1 ectodomain was immobilized onto the platinum surface of a CM5 sensor chip by direct amine coupling. To obtain theoretical maximum response upon peptide binding, we determined immobilization amount of rhPD-L1, nivolumab, and human being IgG: isotype control human being IgG isotype control (ThermoFisher, Rockford, IL) is definitely 9790 RU, 14286 RU, and 14286 RU, respectively. 20?g/ml of rhPD-L1 at 10?mM NaAc pH 5.5, nivolumab at 10?mM HEPES, pH 7.5 and human being IgG at 10?mM HEPES, pH 7.0 was injected over chip after activation with EDC/NHS for 7?min at 10?l/min. The producing immobilization levels for rhPD-L1, nivolumab and human being IgG were 2345 RU, 12264 RU and 11651 RU, respectively. To validate prepared sensor chip, 1?M (17.3?g/ml) rhPD-1 was injected on the chip for 3?min at 10?l/min (data not shown). 1?M BSA was used as the bad control. The chip was regenerated by 10?mM glycine-HCl, pH 2.5 Immunization with MVF hPD-1 peptide epitopes For each peptide, vaccine antibodies were raised using New Zealand female white rabbits (2 kg/10?weeks) purchased from Charles River Laboratories (Wilmington, MA, USA). Rabbits were immunized with 1 mg of MVF chimeric peptide emulsified in Montanide ISA 720 (SEPPIC Paris, France) and 333?g value less than 0.05 was accepted as statistically significantly different. indicate ?.05, indicate ?.01. Results Four novel peptide epitopes for hPD-1 are recognized, shown high immunogenicity/antigenicity and binding specificity characterized by (SPR) B-cell epitopes were ranked based on six correlates of antigenicity44 and correlated with their secondary structure, combined analysis of these epitopes with crystal constructions complex of human being PD-1/human being PD-L1 (hPD-1/hPD-L1).34 From this analysis, four B-cell epitope sequences of human being PD-1 were identified for further investigation: amino acid 32C50, 45C64, 73C90, and 92C110 (see Number 1(a) for peptide sequence). Number 1(b) shows the secondary structure of the sequences as modeled using PyMOL 3-D modeling software, and Number 1(c) shows the structure of the PD-1/PD- L1 complex34. Number 1(d) shows the PD-1 (92C110) epitope sequence location in the 3-D structure of PD-1. Number 1. Recognition of four.