This indulged us to further investigate whether aspirin constrains nuclear translocation of p65NFB or not
This indulged us to further investigate whether aspirin constrains nuclear translocation of p65NFB or not. Elk-1 forms p-Elk-1-p300 complex that being directly recruited to promoter acetylates the same to ensure p65NFB binding for transcriptional up-regulation of Slug, a transcriptional repressor of E-cadherin. Aspirin inhibits EMT and decelerates the migratory potential of A549 cells by down-regulating TCS HDAC6 20b Slug and thereby up-regulating E-cadherin. Aspirin impedes activation and nuclear translocation of p65NFB, essential for this transcription factor being available for promoter binding. As a consequence, Slug transcription is usually down-regulated relieving A549 cells from Slug-mediated repression of E-cadherin transcription, thereby diminishing the metastatic potential of these oncogenic Ras-expressing NSCLC cells. Conclusions Cumulatively, these results signify a crucial role of the anti-inflammatory agent aspirin as a novel unfavorable regulator of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition thereby suggesting its candidature as a encouraging tool for deterring metastasis of highly invasive K-ras-expressing NSCLC cells. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12885-016-2078-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. allele are highly aggressive and are associated with poor prognosis. K-ras mutational status has been found to be closely associated with both main tumors and metastases for more than 90?% of the patients with lung malignancy [10, 11]1314. Most K-ras mutations in NSCLCs have been found at codon 12 resulting in constitutive activation of Ras proteins that regulates cell junctions in lung epithelial cells through Cox-2 induction and indulges the process of tumor metastasis [12C14]151617. There are several reports signifying NFB as an important downstream target of Ras-activated transmission transduction pathways [15]18. Interestingly, correlation between increased activity of NFB and expression of K-ras has been revealed in recent years [16, 17]1920. In fact the activity of transcriptional activation domain of NFB, i.e., RelA/p65 subunit, was found to be increased significantly in Ras-transformed cells [18]21. In an oncogenic K-ras-induced lung cancer mouse model, genetic alteration of p65 has been found to reduce tumorigenesis [19]22. Arsura et al. has reported aberrant activation of classical NFB in Ras-transformed rat liver epithelial cells due to increased phosphorylation and degradation of IB protein [20]23. Many reports also indicate the involvement of RelA/p65 in metastatic potential of tumors [21C23]242526. According to Huber et al., while NFB plays a crucial role in the induction of EMT in Ras-transformed mammary epithelial cells, blocking NFB activity suppresses EMT phenotype [24]27. However, the exact molecular mechanism underlying the contribution of p65NFB in oncogenic K-ras-expressing NSCLC cells invasive responses like EMT and metastasis, for which E-cadherin is a key inhibitory factor, is yet to be delineated. Accumulating clinical and epidemiological evidences also provides a quite clear and strong link between inflammation and cancer progression. The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug aspirin is recently being reported to reduce risk of cancer initiation and progression and suggested to be used to target several tumor properties, including tumor cell migration [25]28. Regular use of aspirin has also been observed to decrease the risk of non-small cell lung carcinoma [26C28]293031, thereby suggesting that NSCLCs could be targeted by using aspirin. However, there is no detailed study on the anti-migratory role of aspirin in EMT and NSCLC cells’ migration. In a recent study, using paired colon cancer cell lines that differ in the expression of mutant K-ras, Wang et al. [29]32 identified that Slug is selectively required for the survival of cancer cells with mutant K-ras. They further showed that Slug is regulated by the Ras pathway and is very important for activated Ras induced EMT. This and other findings support Slug as a target for treatment of a broad spectrum of human cancers that have undergone EMT, associated at least in part with mutational activation of Ras [30]33. This study elaborates that Ras-down-stream Elk-1-p300 complex acetylates and unwinds promoter to make it accessible for p65NFB binding which is a pre-requisite for Slug transcription that subsequently TCS HDAC6 20b leads to E-cadherin down-regulation. Further exploration focuses on the role of anti-inflammatory agent aspirin in up-regulating E-cadherin to inhibit EMT in oncogenic K-ras-expressing NSCLC cells, A549. In gist, aspirin represses the expression of Slug, a known negative regulator of E-cadherin, by blocking the activation of p65 subunit of Cav3.1 NFB and its translocation to nucleus. As a result, E-cadherin gets up-regulated which in turn decelerates the metastatic potential of these highly metastatic TCS HDAC6 20b NSCLC cells. We therefore, project FDA-approved anti-inflammatory drug aspirin as a novel negative regulator of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, thereby.